So I finally got around to changing over my clunky desktop CRM to a nice new online offering from Capsule CRM.
So far I have to say that I'm very impressed.
It was very easy to set up and very intuitive to use. When I did get stuck their is an excellent support page to the website, with lots of articles, and if you still can't find a solution then their is a good community offering plenty of advice.
Capsulecrm appears to have the balance about right for my needs. Not too complicated, and yet still providing a rich suite of features which are helping me to get my business relationships into order. It clearly isn't as feature rich as some of the bigger offerings, but for your average business is likely to have more functionality than you actually need.
A feature that I really like is the way that it links into the contacts twitter or linkedin posts so that when you open up their contact card you get to see their recent activity. This is great if you want to ease yourself into the telephone call or meeting.
Further there appears to be plenty of options in how you integrate this with your workflows, and email system. Something which again I like, as I hate being told that I have to do something in a particular way, as this may not fit in how I like to operate my business.
With plenty of 3rd party application support, and a smartphone client I'm pretty sure that CapsuleCRM has all the functionality that I'm going to need for a while.
So if your looking to update your CRM software I would definitely recommend that you take a look at Capsule. They even give a free account if you have less than 250 contacts and don't need the integration models. So what have you got to loose other than an hour of set up time.